Bi/Pan Lesbian Is
A Valid Identity

✰ The experience 'bi lesbians' and 'pan lesbians' are trying to label is valid and the specific term of 'bi/pan lesbian' is not harmful to lesbians, bisexuals, or pansexuals ✰
1. Lesbian is an Umbrella Term
✰ Lesbian is an umbrella term that many people feel comfortable with identifying with to describe their attraction to women, some of those people also feel as if other labels (bisexual, pansexual, etc) fit them as well and that's perfectly valid ✰
✰ The only person who has a say over what labels they use and what they mean individually is the person themself ✰
2. Labels are personal
✰ The LGBTQ+ community is all about rejecting the rigid and incorrect labels forced onto us by the world, thus the community and it's labels are fluid and inclusive. Everyone has different experiences, but safe spaces are designed to be places where we who share similar experiences can feel safe and heard. Our labels are meant to help people feel comfortable. Taking it upon yourself to decide someone else's labels is bad, because it denies someone their individuality and the comfort they find in these labels ✰
3. Nonbinary People are Included in Lesbian Attraction
✰ Nonbinary does not just mean 'woman-lite'. All non-binary people can be included in sapphic attraction. Loving nonbinary people does not make you less of a lesbian ✰
4. Having a Lean or Strong Preference Does Not Make You Any Less Bisexual
✰ Attraction bisexual people have is often not split at all between genders. There is nothing wrong with being bisexual and experiencing mostly sapphic attraction, and you can still call yourself bisexual even if you have a lean ✰
5. Lesbians Can Have Attraction to Men, Even When on the Split Attraction Model
✰ Someone is still a lesbian if they're only sexually or romantically attracted to women ✰
6. Trans Women are Women
✰ Trans women are women, but no one is claiming that bi/pan lesbian means attraction to trans women, using "bi/pan lesbians use the label to mean they're attracted to trans women" is a strawman ✰
7. A Lesbian isn't Less of a Lesbian for Dating Men
✰ Many lesbians experience comphet or otherwise are pressured by heteronormative society to be in relationships with men, but lesbians can be attracted to men, this does not invalidate their lesbian identity ✰
✰ Note: Why are we fighting one another? We should be fighting the system that oppresses us instead of destroying ourselves from the inside out. We all just want to feel safe and accepted, so why fight? ✰